Quotes that Inspire You to Take Action

Quotes that Inspire You to Take Action
The most common statement we hear these days from almost everyone, especially the non-profit professionals is “I am busy, I don’t have time.” However, amidst all the chaos, there are times when we find ourselves stuck. There are times when we need a shift in gear to get going.
If you too are feeling that you need a dose of inspiration, a little motivation to steer you in the right direction, here are 5 motivational quotes that will inspire you to get going, find your calling, and rise to be the very best version of yourself, today and every day.
Rest, if You Must but Remember, You have Promises to Keep
As Robert Frost so aptly said, “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep…”The same is true for you and me. While there are times when we get exhausted, burn out or just need time to sharpen our axe. It is okay to take a break but don’t get too comfortable. The comfort zone is tempting but it also is the grave of your dreams. Not the dreams that you see with your eyes closed, the dreams that give you a reason to get out your bed. Another aspect of the same coin is the pain that you have to endure when you grow. It’s a part of the process. “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” Some people enjoy the process while some others don’t. Enjoy the process if you can, because the destination will be temporary while the journey never ends. If you enjoy the process, the journey will be an easy and memorable one, in a good way.
For Sustainable Development and Growth: Measure Your Achievements
As Robert Frost so aptly said, “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep…”The same is true for you and me. While there are times when we get exhausted, burn out or just need time to sharpen our axe. It is okay to take a break but don’t get too comfortable. The comfort zone is tempting but it also is the grave of your dreams. Not the dreams that you see with your eyes closed, the dreams that give you a reason to get out your bed. Another aspect of the same coin is the pain that you have to endure when you grow. It’s a part of the process. “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” Some people enjoy the process while some others don’t. Enjoy the process if you can, because the destination will be temporary while the journey never ends. If you enjoy the process, the journey will be an easy and memorable one, in a good way.
As Robert Frost so aptly said, “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep…”The same is true for you and me. While there are times when we get exhausted, burn out or just need time to sharpen our axe. It is okay to take a break but don’t get too comfortable. The comfort zone is tempting but it also is the grave of your dreams. Not the dreams that you see with your eyes closed, the dreams that give you a reason to get out your bed. Another aspect of the same coin is the pain that you have to endure when you grow. It’s a part of the process. “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” Some people enjoy the process while some others don’t. Enjoy the process if you can, because the destination will be temporary while the journey never ends. If you enjoy the process, the journey will be an easy and memorable one, in a good way.